Our projects:


The Foundation’s commitment to delivering clean drinking water into underprivileged rural communities is gathering momentum in Senegal, where a new project covering up to 45 villages is under way.

Our work in Senegal is part of the Foundation’s commitment to mitigating water scarcity in rural regions, with the aim to establish access to clean drinking water as an everyday necessity rather than a privilege.

About the program

A total of 67 wells are planned in the first phase of the programme, which began in October 2023, with 30 wells already in use by villagers who previously would walk around three kilometres daily to collect water.

Some of the villages, in the City of Mbour and its’ neighborhood in Senegal, will require as many as three wells to meet community needs, and the project team is working diligently to complete each well, which takes around two weeks.

Once the initial phase of the project has been completed, plans will be put in place to expand its reach, with around 300 villages in the region in need of reliable clean water supplies.

People received access to water

Watch our video reports about work in Senegal

Role of local authorities in our project

The Foundation is working with local authorities to ensure the sustainability of the project in terms of reliability and water quality in each of the villages, where the project team has received a warm and enthusiastic welcome.

Some members of the local communities are being employed in the construction of wells, in line with the Foundation’s efforts to equip villagers with the skills, as well as the resources, to ensure easy access to clean drinking water.

Our work in Senegal is part of the Foundation’s commitment to mitigating water scarcity in rural regions, with the aim to establish access to clean drinking water as an everyday necessity rather than a privilege.


The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said:


“Whoever digs a well will receive
reward from Allah on the Day of
Judgement when anyone from
amongst the jinn, men and birds
drink from it.”

[Bukhari and Muslim]

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