Our projects:

Capital repair in medical institutions

The program aims to improve the system of social protection and health care of the citizens

The program allows the institution to provide a complex approach in the work with children and patients that are in need of medical care and treatment. Goal of the program: To create favourable conditions during the stay of the patients and their parents in the medical institutions and hospitals. The medical institution undergo capital repair and reconstruction as well as application of the innovative technologies.In addition, the medical institutions are equipped with all required inventory and medical equipment

Кызылтепинская районная больницаКызылтепинская районная больница
Открытие Сельского врачебного пункта Боготского района, Хорезмской области совместно с Фондом ONAОткрытие Сельского врачебного пункта Боготского района, Хорезмской области совместно с Фондом ONA
Сельский врачебный пункт Боготского района, Хорезмской области. Июль 2023 - апрель 2024Сельский врачебный пункт Боготского района, Хорезмской области. Июль 2023 – апрель 2024

The long-awaited opening of a rural medical center in Bogot district, Khorezm province.

4000 people, 750 families live here. The county’s only medical center was in critical condition and thousands of people were unable to receive full medical care.

And now, within ten month of project execution, the complete renovation of the medical center is ready.

Now it’s not just a rural medical center: it’s a full-fledged medical center with offices, its own heating system, an advanced water purification system, medical equipment and inventory and even it is equipped with solar panels for electricity generation. The center was built according to the European standard with the use of innovative technologies.

The project was implemented together with ONA foundation and full assistance of the state bodies of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

A tiny good deed is better than the most solemn promises to do the impossible

/T. Makoley/

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