Our Mission

At Mirakhmedov Foundation, we envision a world where clean water is not a luxury, but an everyday norm. Through empowering rural communities with the skills and resources we believe we can make a big step towards alleviating water scarcity, starting with those in Uzbekistan, whilst also expanding into the rest of Central Asia.

In addition, we seek to provide social support and financial assistance to families in difficult life situations, women with children and single mothers, as well as financing medical care and surgeries for children and persons with serious illnesses. The given program gives children from low-income families a chance to have a real and a healthy childhood outside of hospitals.

At Mirakhmedov Foundation, we believe that families in need should have access to clean drinking water, medical treatment and social care as well as fair treatment.

Вода — источник жизни. Программа обеспечения водой отдаленных регионовВода — источник жизни. Программа обеспечения водой отдаленных регионов

Our Projects

Water Wells

Programs for provision of rural areas with water for agricultural and domestic purposes equip local communities with the skills and the resources to build wells bringing access to water closer.

Social support and aid

One of the goals of the fund is social and comprehensive support for poor women and women with many children, widows, single mothers, as well as women in difficult life situations. The goal of the Mirakhmedov Foundation social support program is to improve living conditions and create opportunities for women to have their own source of income.

Water Filter Station

Programs for provision of rural areas with drinking water, equip local communities with the skills and the resources to build wells bringing access to water closer.

Medical aid to families in need

Our new initiatives include helping throughout Central Asia, such as those in need of dire medical treatment, people with disabilities and orphans. Our most recent projects including a liver and kidney transplant, osteotomy treatments and a cardiac catheterisation.

Our Successes

Over 10 000 people received aid
Over 158 800 people received access to water
Over 36 people received costly expensive and complex surgery
Over 5 countries take part in our program


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