About Mavsumakhon family

The family is low-income, full, originally from the Ferghana region. Mavsumakhon lives with her husband, children (there are three children in the family) and mother-in-law. The family is included in the lists of the “iron” and “women’s” notebook of the Makhalla committee. Mavsumakhon is a disabled person of group 2, diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver, chronic Hepatitis B and D (liver transplantation surgery is required).

In 2018, Mavsumahon began to have pain in the liver, weakness and ascites appeared (accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity), for four years Mavsumahon was treated at the central hospital of the city of Kokand.

On 30.11.2021, Mavsumakhon was finally diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver, Hepatitis B and D, portal hypertension, splenomegaly, ascites.

In December 2021, according to Mavsumyhon, the attending doctors advised to perform a liver transplant operation in India, as Mavsumyhon’s health condition becomes unstable, pain in the liver area becomes stronger, fluid in the abdominal cavity began to accumulate more often.

The family is unable to pay for an expensive liver transplant operation.

Mavsumakhon needs financial support for examination, surgery and rehabilitation in India.


Recovery path

19.07.2022 Mavsumakhon (patient), her son Sobirjon (donor) and accompanying Mavsumakhon’s sister, Mavluda flew to the ARTEMIS clinic in India for further procedures (liver transplantation).
20.07.2022 Mavsumakhon was at a doctor’s appointment at the Artemis clinic. Dr. Giriraj Bora. The doctor explained after the consultation that Mavsumakhon should undergo examinations to confirm the diagnosis and liver transplantation surgery and did not appoint the examination (blood test, MRI with contrast and blood type analysis).
21.07.2022 Mavsumakhon began the examination (blood analysis, MRI with contrast and blood group analysis).
25.07.2022 Mavsumakhon and her donor, her son Sobirjon, after the examination, were at a doctor’s appointment from the ARTEMIS clinic. The doctor, after looking at the examination answers, explained that the donor’s liver size does not match. According to the protocol, during liver transplantation surgery, the donor should have 35% of his liver, but MRI tests show that during surgery, the donor’s liver size remains 30%. Therefore, the doctor said that he would not risk the donor’s life and advised to offer another donor.

Mavsumakhon’ sister, Mavluda, also passed tests for donation. After the results of the analysis of the Mavsumahon’s sister, the doctor told that the Mavsumahon’s sister is suitable as a donor, and the sister is beginning to undergo examinations for the Mavsumahon liver transplant operation

13.08.2022 Mavsumakhon’s liver transplantation was planned, since the weight of the Mavluda does not match the norms, so the doctor asked to lose about 5 kg of weight.
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