About Zukhra family

The family is average, full, originally from Tashkent city. Zukhra lives with her husband, with her children and her husband’s parents (there are two children in the family).The daughter is married. My son studies at the architectural institute and works in a furniture workshop during the day. Zukhra has a disease diagnosis: Cirrhosis of the liver, chronic Hepatitis B and D, encephalopathy and billiard atresia (urgent liver transplantation surgery is needed).

In 2003, Zukhra became ill with jaundice after giving birth to her daughter.

In 2005, weakness in the body, pain in the liver began. Zukhra applied to the polyclinic at her place of residence. After the examination, the doctors diagnosed fibrosis with a transition to cirrhosis of the liver and prescribed medication.

From 2005 to 2015, Zukhra was registered at the Institute of Virology for ten years and received a course of treatment every three to four months.

In 2015, on the recommendation of a surgeon from the Institute of Virology, Zukhra was sent to the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Surgery named after academician Vakhidov. Doctors from the Vakhidov’s Center got acquainted with the previous tests of Zukhra and performed the operation to remove the spleen and block the portal vein. After the operation, doctors advised to perform a liver transplant operation in India, since such similar operations were not performed in Uzbekistan in 2015.

The family was unable to pay for an expensive liver transplant operation and for a year and a half, Zukhra’s husband applied to many instances.

In March 2017, with the help of the managing central bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the amount for the operation was transferred to the ARTEMIS clinic in India.

In 2017, in the month of April, the operation was performed at the ARTEMIS clinic to transplant Zukhra’s liver. During the liver transplant operation, Zukhra’s brother was a donor.

In 2018, mini operation was performed at the ARTEMIS clinic with the endoscopy to install a stand on the bile duct in the liver. For four years, every 4-5 months at the ARTEMIS clinic, this stand was renewed to expand the bile duct path.

On 09.07.2022 Zukhra arrived at the ARTEMIS clinic with deteriorating health (yellowness all over the body, weakness, nausea, fever and pain in the liver). Zukhra was at the doctor for liver transplant doctor Giriraj Bora. The doctor, after examining Zukhra, was urgently hospitalized in the clinic and prescribed examinations and endoscopic surgery to replace the stand on the bile duct in the liver, since the previously installed stand was blocked. After the results of Zuhra’s analysis, the doctors held a consultation and finally decided that Zukhra would need a liver transplant operation.

The family needs financial support for examination, surgery and rehabilitation in the Indian clinic “Artemis”.


Recovery path

08.08.2022 Munira (donor), sister of Zukhra’s husband arrived for further procedure.
09.08.2022 Zukhra and the donor Munira started examination (blood test, MRI with contrast, and blood type testing).
12.08.2022 A DNA test was carried out. Zukhra’s husband and her husband’s sister Munira donated blood for analysis to confirm family ties.
13.08.2022 Zukhra and the donor Munira are examined for a liver transplant operation.
14.08.2022 In hotel room No. 203, Zukhra takes a drop of Albumin to maintain health as prescribed by the attending physician Giriraj Bora from the ARTEMIS clinic.
17.08.2022 In the ARTEMIS clinic, with the participation of an employee of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of India, an pre-operating commission was held. Zukhra and Munira, the sister of Zukhra’s husband, passed the commission successfully.
19.08.2022  Zukhra and Munira, the sister of Zukhra’s husband, passed a Covid test before the operation.
22.08.2022 After a successful covid test result, Zukhra and Munira were hospitalized at the ARTEMIS clinic for further procedures in preparation for liver transplantation
23.08.2022 After the decision of the liver transplant doctor at Artemis Clinic, Dr. Giriraj Bora, started a liver transplant operation.
24.08.2022 The liver transplant operation was successful. Zukhra and Munira felt good. According to the doctor, the liver transplant operation lasted 20 hours.
26.08.2022 Munira (donor), the sister of Zukhra’s husband, was transferred from intensive care to pay by doctor’s prescription, Munira’s donor’s condition was consistently good.
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