The family is low-income, full, originally from the Tashkent region. Nilufar lives with her husband and children (there are three children in the family), one daughter is married. Nilufar is a disabled person of group 2, diagnosis: Cirrhosis of the liver in the stage of decompensation of viral etiology (HBsAg), Ascites. Portal hypertension. Hepatosplenomegaly, (liver transplantation surgery is urgently needed). Nilufar is included in the “iron” and “aellar” notebook of the makhalla committee.
In 1998, Nilufar started having liver pains and went to the doctor. After examination, it was found that Nilufar has a virus (hepatitis B) in her blood. She was pregnant this year. During pregnancy, women’s immunity is high, so Nilufar did not notice viral diseases.
In 2000, weakness in the body and pain in the liver began. Nilufar applied to the polyclinic at her place of residence. After the examination, the doctors diagnosed fibrosis with a transition to cirrhosis of the liver and prescribed medication. According to the appointment of a virologist, Nilufar took antiviral medicine for eight years.