About Charos family

Shirin is a mother of many children, lives with four children with her parents, left her husband in 2019, has not officially divorced, the fifth child lives with his father in Jizzakh, the reason why the child does not live with his mother, the child goes to school at the place of residence, according to Shirin, she will take him and transfer him to study in Tashkent.

The second Shirin’s child has a congenital disease: CRF of the decompensated stage. Chronic pyelonephritis, period of remission. Wrinkling of both kidneys. 1 degree anemia, the diagnosis was confirmed in 2016, when the child was three years old, the child underwent three operations, two endoscopy operations, one large open operation, the ureter was expanded, the congenital anomaly during urination, urine is not all excreted, intoxication occurs in the kidneys, wrinkling of both kidneys, decompensated stage.

By the recommendation of Uzbek doctors (in Uzbekistan, kidney transplants are not performed for young children), in May 2021, Shirin and her child went to the Indian Jaypee Clinic for kidney transplantation surgery, after examination, Indian doctors refused the operation because the child was underweight. Indian doctors offered Shirin to stay in India for two to three months for treatment and observation, Shirin could not stay due to financial difficulties.

Shirin was not able to collect money for the trip again, she did not work because of the child’s illness, and has no income. Shirin’s child needed financial support for a trip to the Indian “Artemis”clinic for examination and surgery. Consultation, examination, kidney transplant operation was planned at the Artemis Clinic, Gurgaon, India


Recovery path

03.05.2022 The sponsee of the Foundation, Shirin and her daughter Charos came to India for examination and surgery (kidney transplant).
04.05.2022 Shirin and her daughter were at the doctor’s appointment at the Artemis clinic. The doctor previously said that there would be a kidney transplant (according to the doctor, the donor will be Shirin’s mother). At the moment, the doctor has prescribed examinations for the child (ultrasound blood test).
05.05.2022 Shirin’s daughter received a vaccination, which she had to receive before kidney transplantation.
09.05.2022 There was a meeting with the nephrologist Dr. Manju Aggarwal at the ARTEMIS clinic. The doctor ordered the examination for the donor. The donor will be (Gulshod) Shirin’s mother.
14.05.2022 Daughter (patient) Shirin and Shirin’s mother (donor), underwent the following examinations, MRI with contrast, X-rays, blood tests and a heart check. They passed the analysis (DNA) for confirmation of kinship ties
25.05.2022 Daughter Shirin’s kidneys were transplanted. Kidney transplantation was successful, the patient was in intensive care. Shirin’s mother (the donor) also felt well, she was in the ward
27.05.2022 Shirin’s mother (the donor) was discharged to the hotel, Shirin’s mother’s condition was excellent. Shirin’s daughter was beginning to move independently. Three days have passed since the operation and Shirin’s daughter’s Charos condition was very excellent.
01.06.2022 Charos, Shirin’s daughter, was discharged from the Artemis clinic by the order of Dr. Manju Aggarwal, Shirin’s daughter’s condition was consistently good.
07.06.2022 Shirin and her daughter were at the reception of the attending physician. Postoperative examination, tests show that Shirin’s daughter’s condition is in excellent condition.
01.07.2022 The sponsee of the Foundation Shirin and mother Gulshod (donor), daughter Alisherova Charos (patient), by the order of the attending physician, returned home. The kidney transplant procedure went well and Charos feels great.
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